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Volunteer with us! 

Our organization doesn’t have established paid staff but utilizes the services of volunteers both online and onsite. We volunteer volunteers all-year-round ranging from assistant teachers at kindergarten, primary, secondary, and vocational.

Secondly, we accept sports trainers, art and craft trainers, music, dance and drama trainers, computer trainers.

We also need medical volunteers to work with our local medical staff at our local health unit of Busaawa Mmanze health Centre iii. Still, we need construction volunteers to work with our local builders to construct different infrastructure like classrooms, staff quarters, students dormitories, pit latrines, and rainwater harvesting tanks at schools and health units.

Volunteers are accepted for one week, two weeks, one month. Volunteers can come individually, in groups, in families. Volunteers are accommodated with host families to enable them to learn our abundant cultural beliefs and practices. We accept both male and female volunteers ranging from 16 to 85 years. Minors below 16 years can come with their parents or guardians.

We also accept online volunteers who can apply to work with us from their homes. Online volunteers can do any of the following assignments:
1-Identifying and mobilizing for us potential people that may be willing to support our socially and economically needy children and orphans towards their education. Each needy child needs about 300$ every year to cater to tuition, medical care, School lunch, scholastic materials like books and pens, school bags and shoes, school uniforms, and other school requirements.

2-linking our different schools with the schools in their countries.
3-Identifying  and mobilizing potential people that may be willing to support our priority programs like water and sanitation.

4-Marketing our priority programs to potential donors.

5- Mobilizing potential people that may be willing to partner with our organization.

6- Identifying potential people that may be willing to buy our locally made handcraft.

7-Mobilizing and identifying potential people that may be willing to come to Uganda as backpack tourists under our coordinations.

Volunteers can contact us at the following email addresses:

We appreciate the services of seriously committed and dedicated volunteers! 

© 2017 by Macerudet.

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